DrupalCamp NJ 2017

How should I test my site?

We've all heard how Drupal 8 code needs testing using PHPUnit—but we don't just write code, we build sites! There are many different ways to test Drupal, and PHPUnit isn't the only one. People in the Drupal community all have different levels of comfort with developer tools.

And of course, we also have different needs. Some of us have complex custom legacy code; others install dozens of contrib modules that sometimes interact in unexpected ways; and many of us care more about the content on our sites than about the code.

There's no single tool that can handle all these situations, so this session will help you figure out which kinds of testing you need. Rather than a deep dive into a single testing tool, it's a survey of some of the available options, along with their strengths and weaknesses.

Some of the tools I'll cover are Selenium, Behat, PHPUnit, sitediff and Wraith. I'll also discuss related technologies such as git, continuous integration and containers.

Audience Level: 
Beginner (just starting, know basic terminology, content creation)
Intermediate (install and configure modules/themes)
Advanced (sysadmin, module developer)
Drupal 8
Drupal 7

Basic Drupal 8 knowledge. Some knowlege of PHP and the command line is useful.

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