DrupalCamp NJ 2017

Git Branching Strategies for an Agile Workflow

You've drunk the Agile kool-aid, printed business cards describing yourself as a "certified scrum master", and you're ready to lead your large team as they work together on a complex project without getting in each others' way. Great! And now your first sprint has finished, and you're staring at a tangled mess of git merge conflicts which stand between you and the deployment of this interation's critical features. Have you ever suspected that if only you had spent more time devising a git branching strategy and branch naming convention, you could have merged your team's work and shipped this code already? If so, this talk is for you.

We'll talk about using the gitflow branching strategy to manage production, feature branches, release branches, and hotfixes, and in particular how multiple developers can work on the same codebase and push fixes to each of these without creating conflicts. You don't need to understand git's internal data structures or use git rebase to do any of this -- the focus will be on simple branch naming conventions and best practices which enable your team to work as effectively as possible.

Audience Level: 
Intermediate (install and configure modules/themes)
Advanced (sysadmin, module developer)

This talk assumes a working understanding of the basic concepts of both the Agile process and the git revision control system, or a desire to pick those up quickly during the talk.

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